
Long ago, Peter Spasov passed round one of the first Canadian astronaut program, until … no more. Hence he continued with teaching and coordinating in the fields of computer engineering technology, laboratory automation and applied projects for Fleming College, Peterborough Ontario. Living on acreage in Millbrook with his wife Renate, they raised three daughters and he published some textbooks. Regularly he hikes, occasionally canoes, and otherwise mucks about in the bush. Lately, he retired from teaching to rekindle his interest in space travel and now writes science fiction, and for the National Space Society, writes book reviews.

As for science fiction, Peter still practices and develops the craft, attempting to achieve a successful submission fit for publication. In conjunction with this effort he authors the Worlds of What If web, exploring fantastical questions, primarily of scientific and engineering possibilities. In addition he plans to also explore cultural or sociological topics such as the future of the nation state. Generally, he is curious and imaginative, or so he believes.

True or False?

  • Peter was born stateless.
  • Repeated kindergarten.
  • When a child, he fantasized being an ET who was adopted by the adults who claimed to be his parents.
  • At 16, flew his first solo flight.
  • For one academic year, future Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield and he attended the same high school.
  • Once lost a canoe to rapids.
  • Travelled around the world.
  • Uses Wikipedia as his browser’s home page.

Last updated Wednesday February 15, 2025

On world building for science fiction